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Rare Metals青年编委


赵卓,男,中共党员,教授,博士生导师,安徽省杰青,宝钢优秀教师,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学访问学者,安徽工业大学青年拔尖人才。1998-2010年就读于中南大学,分别获得有色金属冶金学士、硕士、博士学位。201011月进入安徽工业大学冶金学院工作,20148-20159月,国家公派赴荷兰代尔夫特理工大学访学一年。主持国家自然科学基金项目3安徽省自然科学基金杰青项目1项、安徽省重点研发计划1、企业产学研项目15项;Chem. Eng. J.J. Hazard. Mater.J. Clean Prod.Hydrometallurgy期刊发表学术论文60余篇;授权国家发明专利20余项;2022年获安徽省自然科学二等奖(R1)。

/ 代表论文

[1] Zhao Zhuo, Xiong Yanhang, Cheng Xiankun, Hou Xue, Yang Yongxiang, Tian Yongpan, You Jinglin, Xu Liang. Adsorptive removal of trace thallium(I) from wastewater: a review and new perspectives, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 393: 122378.

[2] Zhongsheng Hua, Xiaobin Wu, Zengli Zhu, Jiwen He, Shiwei He*, Huan Liu, Liang Xu, Yongxiang Yanga, Zhuo Zhao*. One-step controllable fabrication of 3D structured self-standing Al3Ni2/Ni electrode through molten salt electrolysis for efficient water splitting, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 427: 131743

[3] Liang Xu, Yanhang Xiong, Guangan Zhang, Fuyuan Zhang, Yongxiang Yang, Zhongsheng Hua, Yongpan Tian, Zhuo Zhao*. An environmental-friendly process for recovery of tellurium and copper from copper telluride, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020: 122723.

[4] Zhuo Zhao, Xiaohang Li, Yanquan Chai, Zhongsheng Hua, Yanping Xiao, Yongxiang Yang. Adsorption performances and mechanisms of amidoxime resin toward Gallium(III) and Vanadium(V) from Bayer liquor, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4 (1): 53-59.

[5] Zhuo Zhao, Yongxiang Yang, Yanping Xiao, Youqi Fan. Recovery of gallium from Bayer liquor: A review, Hydrometallurgy, 2012, 125-126: 115-124.

[6] Zhuo Zhao, Hongming Long, Xiaobin Li, Youqi Fan, Zhao Han. Precipitation of vanadium from Bayer liquor with lime, Hydrometallurgy, 2012, 115-116: 52-56.

[7] Liang Xu, Yanhang Xiong, Ling Wang, Yongpan Tian, Bihai Tong, Jinglin You, Zhuo Zhao*. A novel method for selective recovery of indium from end-of-life liquid crystal displays by 15-crown-5 ether and its derivatives, Hydrometallurgy, 2021, 202: 105601

[8] Liang Xu, Yanhang Xiong, Jinwei Meng, Jiabao Wang, Zhongsheng Hua, Yongpan Tian, Jinglin You, Zhuo Zhao*. Redox behavior of indium in molten chlorides, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2021, 31: 1496-1505

[9] Yongpan Tian, Wenwen Chen, Chengcheng WangLiang XuZhuo Zhao*, Bihai Tong. Computational study for the electrophilic reactivity prediction of crown ethers, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 341: 117418

[10] Liang Xu, Yanhang Xiong, Yi Song, Guangan Zhang, Fuyuan Zhang, Yongxiang Yang, Zhongsheng Hua, Yongpan Tian, Jinglin You, Zhuo Zhao*. Recycling of copper telluride from copper anode slime processing: Toward efficient recovery of tellurium and copper, Hydrometallurgy, 2020, 196: 105436.

[11] Shiwei He, Ruidong Xu, Li Sun, Youqi Fan, Zhuo Zhao*, Huan Liu, Huihong Lv. Electrochemical characteristics of Co3O4-doped β-PbO2 composite anodes used in long-period zinc electrowinning, Hydrometallurgy, 2020, 194: 105357.

[12] 熊延杭,侯雪,程衔锟,徐亮,张福元,田勇攀,赵卓*. S300树脂对汽车失效催化剂浸出液中Pd(II)的吸附行为,中国有色金属学报,202131151-160.

[13] 程衔锟,熊延杭,侯雪,田欢,赵卓*,硫杂冠醚对Ag(I)Tl(I)的萃取,过程工程学报,202120(2)145-152

[14] 程衔锟侯雪田欢张梦龙魏昊赵卓*. 大环硫杂冠醚的合成及对Ag(I)Tl(I) 的选择性萃取, 高等学校化学学报201940(9)1881-1887.

[15] 田欢张梦龙王莉莎童碧海赵卓*. 4,13-二硫杂苯并-18--6的合成及对Ag+的选择性萃取高等学校化学学报2018(6)1191-1196.

[16] Wenwen Chen, Yongpan Tian*, Chenggui Hu, Zhuo Zhao*, Liang Xu, Bihai Tong. Theoretical and extraction studies on the selectivity of lithium with 14C4 derivatives, New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44: 20341.

[17] Yongpan Tian, Wenwen Chen, Zhuo Zhao*, Liang Xu, Bihai Tong. Interaction and selectivity of 14-crown-4 derivatives with Li+, Na+, and Mg2+ metal ions, Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2020, 26: 67.

[18] 侯雪,熊延杭,程衔锟,田勇攀,徐亮,赵卓*. 14--4冠醚衍生物与 Li(I) 的络合过程理论研究化学研究202031(1)52-61.

[19] Zhuo Zhao, Huan Tian, Menglong Zhang, Yongxiang Yang, Hongliang Zhang. Molecular design of macrocyclic compounds for complete removal of thallium(I) from wastewater, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25: 34550-34558.

[20] Hongming Long, Zhao Zhuo*, Yanquan Chai, Xiaohang Li, Zhongsheng Hua, Yanping Xiao, Yongxiang Yang. Binding Mechanism of the Amidoxime Functional Group on Chelating Resins toward Gallium(III) in Bayer Liquor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54(33): 8025-8030.


[1] 一种常压下从氮化镓废料中回收金属镓的方法,专利申请号:202110962665

[2] 一种酸法处理氮化镓废料制备氧化镓的方法,专利申请号:202110960640

[3] 一种从汽车废催化剂中富集铂族金属的方法,专利申请号:202010558236.2

[4] 一种火法还原熔炼铋富集废汽车尾气催化剂中铂族金属的方法,专利号:ZL201911196098.1

[5] 一种从废旧锂离子电池正极材料中回收钴的方法,专利号:ZL2019100154712

[6] 一种锂辉石中锂的提取方法、其提取用吸附材料及制备方法,专利号:ZL2019111 53344.5

[7] 一种从废旧锂离子电池正极材料浸出液中选择性分离锂的方法. 专利号:ZL2019100155058

[8] 一种硫杂冠醚的制备方法、废水除铊的硫杂冠醚萃取液及其除铊和回收铊的方法,专利号:ZL201711221986.5

[9] 一种工业废水除铊用的沉淀剂及工业废水深度除铊方法,专利号:ZL2018106061967

[10] 一种从铜阳极泥分铜液中回收稀贵金属的方法,专利号:ZL201711081760.X

/ 科研项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金项目,基于离子印迹技术选择性提取锂辉石浸出液中Li(I)的研究,2018.1-2020.12,主持

[2] 国家自然科学基金项目,大环冠醚聚合物选择性吸附深度脱除废水中铊的基础研究,2016.1-2019.12,主持

[3] 国家自然科学基金项目,拜耳法母液中镓钒分离机制与提取技术研究,2012.1-2014.12,主持

[4] 安徽省自然科学基金杰青项目,稀贵金属超分子化学分离与提取,2021.1-2023.12,主

[5] 安徽省重点研发计划,废汽车催化剂中铂族金属高效回收关键技术研究与应用2022-2024主持

[6] 铜陵有色集团,碲铜渣综合回收试验研究,2018-2019,主持

[7] 铜陵有色集团,铜阳极泥直接高压浸出工艺研究,2014,主持

/ 教研项目

[1] 安徽省教学研究重大项目,服务长三角区域先进材料制造业的人才培养模式改革研究与实践,2020-2022,主持

[2] 安徽省课程思政示范课程,《新生研讨课[]》,2020-2021主持

[3] 安徽工业大学首批课程思政建设项目,冶金工程《新生研讨课》课程思政建设的研究与实践,2020-2021,主持

[4] 安徽工业大学教学研究项目,有色金属冶金学科教学用案例库建设,2013-2015,主持

/ 奖励荣誉

[1] 安徽省自然科学二等奖,基于分子识别的典型战略稀贵金属分离提取方法2022

[2] 安徽省青,2021

[3] 宝钢优秀教师奖2021

[4] 安徽工业大学青年拔尖人才(青年学者层次)2019

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